Ignite your flight.

Spark Bird Group helps philanthropic and nonprofit organizations plan, grow, and evolve.

Strategy & Planning

Simultaneously practical, nimble, and humane, we focus on actionable steps and real results so to never lose sight of your people and purpose. We also help with planned or unplanned leadership transitions (succession planning).

Organizational Development

Your best asset? Your people. We can strengthen cohesion through retreats, trainings, or targeted staff or board investments. We can also refine operations, establish measurable goals and systems of accountability, review policies, etc. 

Assessments & Reports

If you need assistance with landscape analyses, original research, funder briefings, or reports, we can gather and present information creatively to engage important stakeholders and audiences.

We also offer capacity-building services on a limited basis. We assist organizations with fundraising and storytelling by creating strategies and materials that capture mission in a compelling and simple way.

Our Flock

Our BIPOC- and women-owned firm is dedicated to making the world more secure, joyful, and just.

Ariana Carella


Ariana is a skilled strategist, planner, and facilitator, who harmonizes big vision with small details. She is considered a “heartbeat” because of her ability to set a natural pace and sequence for initiatives while keeping focus on a deeper purpose. Read Ariana’s full bio here.

Kristall Laursen


Kristall can help your organization work towards a better future while experiencing the joy of fundraising. Her approach is centered on the impact of your organization, and she can help you craft and share your story of impact, to the right people, in the right way.

Allena Vestal


Allena has a proven track record in organizing and executing high-impact events for the organizations she works with. She plans and coordinates with everyone in mind to create inclusive, seamless experiences.



Our Spark

A “spark bird” is the species of bird that ignites one’s lifelong passion for birding. We borrowed the term for Spark Bird Group—representing the many stories and connections that have sparked passion in our personal and professional lives.

Our flock is guided by the following foundational values:

  • Gratitude and reverence for our natural world

  • Intersectional feminism

  • Collaboration and sharing

  • Healing and repair

  • Community care

  • Playfulness, humor, and joy

Call us.

(pun intended)

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -